Austria and Bangladesh Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

Austria and Bangladesh present a striking contrast across various indicators. Bangladesh’s population is about 19 times larger, while its land area is nearly twice that of Austria. Economically, Austria boasts a higher GDP and significantly greater GDP per capita. In military spending, Austria allocates less of its GDP than Bangladesh, despite higher overall expenditure. Imports and exports also differ greatly, with Austria trading over five times more than Bangladesh, focusing on advanced goods compared to Bangladesh’s textile exports.

Basic Indicators

IndicatorAustria Flag of AustriaBangladesh Flag of BangladeshComparison
Population source (2022 data), updated 20249.04 million (96th)171.19 million (8th)Bangladesh’s population is approximately 19 times larger than Austria’s.
Surface area (sq. km) source (2022 data), updated 20240.08 million sq. km (111th)0.15 million sq. km (89th)Bangladesh is 1.875 times larger than Austria in area.
GDP source (2022 data), updated 2024470.94B USD (31st)460.20B USD (33rd)Austria’s total GDP is approximately 1.02 times larger than Bangladesh’s.
GDP per capita source (2022 data), updated 2024$52,085 (20th)2,688 USD (136th)Austria’s GDP per capita is roughly 1,840% higher than Bangladesh’s, with Austrians producing about $49,396.38 more per person annually.

Economic Indexes

IndexAustria Flag of AustriaBangladesh Flag of BangladeshComparison
HDI (Human Development Index) source (2022 data), updated 20240.926 (22nd)0.67 (120th)Austria’s HDI is 0.926 (very high), while Bangladesh’s is 0.670 (medium). Austria’s score is 0.256 higher, indicating significantly better human development overall.
Index of Economic Freedom source (2024 data)68.4 (31st)54.4 (106th)Austria’s Index of Economic Freedom is 25% higher than Bangladesh’s, 14 points more.
GINI source (2022 data), updated 202429.8 (2020 est.)31.8 (2022 est.)With a 6.7% higher Gini coefficient, Bangladesh has a higher degree of income inequality than Austria.

International trade source(2023 data), updated 2024

IndicatorAustria Flag of AustriaBangladesh Flag of Bangladesh
Total imports288.15B USD73.17B
Imports % of GDP61.60%20.90%
Main import partnersGermany 40%, Italy 7%, Czechia 5%, Switzerland 5%, Netherlands 4%China 32%, India 17%, Singapore 6%, Malaysia 5%, Indonesia 5%
Main import itemscars, refined petroleum, gold, garments, broadcasting equipmentrefined petroleum, cotton fabric, cotton, fabric, fertilizers
Total exports306.47B USD58.89B
Exports % of GDP62.08%12.88%
Main export PartnersGermany 28%, US 7%, Italy 7%, Switzerland 5%, Hungary 5%US 18%, Germany 16%, UK 8%, Spain 7%, Poland 6%
Main export itemscars, packaged medicine, vaccines, plastic products, electricitygarments, footwear, fabric, textiles, jute yarn

Austria’s imports are over three times those of Bangladesh, and Austria’s imports make up 40.7% more of its GDP than Bangladesh’s. Austria’s exports are over five times those of Bangladesh, featuring advanced goods like cars and medicine, while Bangladesh focuses on textiles.

Military Power source (2023 data), updated 2024

IndicatorAustria Flag of AustriaBangladesh Flag of Bangladesh
Military expenditure4.4B USD4.2B USD
Military expenditure (% of GDP)0.77%1.13%
Active military22k163k
Active military per 1,000 capita16.81.4

Austria’s military expenditure is slightly higher at $4.41 billion, but it allocates a smaller percentage of its GDP (0.77%) to defense compared to Bangladesh’s 1.13%, indicating a greater commitment to military spending relative to its economy.

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