Category: Economies comparison

  • Australia and Poland Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    Australia and Poland present a fascinating contrast across various indicators. Poland’s population is 1.42 times that of Australia, while Australia boasts a surface area 24.9 times larger. Economically, Australia’s GDP is about 2.5 times greater, with a GDP per capita significantly higher. In terms of military spending, Australia invests more overall, yet Poland dedicates a…

  • Australia and South Korea Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    When comparing Australia and South Korea, notable differences emerge. South Korea’s population is about twice that of Australia, while Australia boasts a land area 77 times larger. Economically, Australia has a slightly larger GDP and significantly higher GDP per capita, yet South Korea invests more in its military and exports more advanced goods. Basic Indicators…

  • Australia and Malaysia Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    In comparing Australia and Malaysia, we see distinct differences across key indicators. Malaysia’s population is about 1.3 times larger, while Australia boasts a surface area 23.5 times greater. Australia’s GDP is roughly four times larger, and its GDP per capita is significantly higher. Economic freedom is more pronounced in Australia, yet Malaysia faces greater income…

  • Australia and Mexico Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    In comparing Australia and Mexico, we see distinct differences. Australia’s population is about five times smaller, yet its land is nearly four times larger. Economically, Australia has a higher GDP and GDP per capita, while Mexico faces greater income inequality. Australia invests significantly more in defense and imports less relative to its economy, while Mexico…

  • Australia and Netherlands Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    In comparing Australia and the Netherlands, Australia has a population about 1.5 times larger and is 193.5 times the land size. Its GDP is 1.68 times greater, yet GDP per capita is just 14% higher. Australia spends significantly more on military, while its exports focus on raw materials compared to the Netherlands’ advanced goods. Basic…

  • Australia and New Zealand Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    In comparing Australia and New Zealand, Australia boasts a population about 5 times larger and a land area nearly 29 times greater. Its economy is roughly 6.8 times larger, with a higher GDP per capita. While Australia invests heavily in military, New Zealand shows greater income inequality. Both nations differ significantly in trade dynamics, with…

  • Australia and Japan Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    Australia and Japan present a fascinating comparison. Australia’s population is about one-fifth that of Japan, yet it boasts a land area over 20 times larger. While Japan’s economy is 2.5 times bigger, Australians enjoy a significantly higher income per person. Australia also has greater economic freedom but faces higher income inequality. In defense spending, Australia…

  • Australia and Iraq Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    Australia and Iraq present a striking contrast across various indicators. Iraq’s population is about 1.7 times larger, yet Australia boasts a land area 17.6 times greater. Economically, Australia’s GDP is 6.4 times larger, with significantly higher GDP per capita. In military spending, Australia outpaces Iraq by over six times, while imports and exports reveal distinct…

  • Australia and Ireland Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    Australia and Ireland present a fascinating contrast. Australia’s population is about 5 times larger, while its land area dwarfs Ireland’s by 110 times. Economically, Australia has a larger GDP, yet its GDP per capita is lower. Australia’s military spending is 25 times more, but Ireland imports a greater share of its GDP. Basic Indicators Indicator…

  • Australia and Israel Economies: A Side-by-Side Table Comparison

    Australia and Israel present intriguing contrasts across key indicators. Australia has a population 2.7 times larger and a land area 387 times bigger. Its GDP is about 3.2 times larger, with a higher GDP per capita. In military spending, Australia spends more in total, but Israel allocates a greater GDP share to defense. While Australia…