Top Billionaires in Netherlands. Nation’s Richest and Their Residences

The Netherlands is home to multiple ultra-wealthy billionaires, with Frits Goldschmeding leading the pack with a net worth of $6.2 billion. These billionaires come from a variety of industries, including service, temp agency, manufacturing, chemicals, investments, payments software, and media & entertainment.

How many billionaires are in Netherlands?

There are 10 billionaires in the Netherlands, spread across 7 cities. Amsterdam has the most billionaires with 5, while Baarn, Blaricum, Eindhoven, Gorinchem, Vorden, Auckland, and Wellington each have 1 billionaire.

Top 5 Billionaires in Netherlands 2023

Who has the highest net worth in Netherlands?

1. Frits Goldschmeding

Frits Goldschmeding, born in 1933, is a self-made male billionaire with a net worth of $6.2 billion in 2023, ranking him 411th wealthiest person in the world. His business interests span the service and temp agency industries, and his source of wealth is his service business.

2. Wim van der Leegte & family

Wim van der Leegte, born in 1947, is a male non-self-made billionaire with a total worth of $3,500 million in 2023, ranking him 818th in the world. His wealth comes from the manufacturing industry, in which he has established several successful businesses. His business interests also include industries such as manufacturing.

3. Hans Melchers

Hans Melchers was born in 1938 and is a self-made male billionaire. In 2023, his net worth was estimated to be $2.6 billion, ranking him 1164th in terms of wealth worldwide. His main source of wealth is chemicals and investments, and his business interests span the finance and investments industries.

4. Arnout Schuijff

Arnout Schuijff was born in 1967 and is a self-made male billionaire. His total worth in 2023 was 2400 million U.S. dollars, making him the 1272nd wealthiest person in the world. His business operates in the payments software and technology industries, and his wealth is sourced from technology.

5. John de Mol

John de Mol is a male self-made billionaire born in 1955. His total worth in 2023 was estimated to be 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, ranking him 1647th in terms of wealth worldwide. His business operates in the Media & Entertainment industry, primarily focusing on TV programs. He is associated with other industries related to Media & Entertainment.


Billionaires Statistics Dataset (2023)

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